First and foremost, let’s explain to you how a 7jab* should be worn. It’s a piece of fabric that is worn on the head that hides the woman’s hair and neck completely. To a lot of people in Bahrain that rule is bent; they show a little hair or show their neck or something. Who the fuck do you think you are bending Allah’s rules? No it’s not ok to show a little hair or neck! Also, most of these people wear tight clothes with it. What the fuck is the point of that? It’s like wanting to buy a car, but drawing a cardboard cut-out and coloring it in and pretending to drive it, making your own sound effects and all!
I am not against people who do not wear the 7jab. It’s none of my business to interfere in such matters. I am concerned about those who wear it inappropriately and JUDGE those who do not wear it. Do you have mirrors in your bedroom? I mean you must do coz you spend 17 hours a day painting your faces. But can you really see yourself? These women need a bitchslapping session, snoop doggy dog style! EITHER DO IT PROPERLY OR DON'T DO IT AT ALL! AND DON'T GO ABOUT IMPOSING YOUR SHITTY ATTITUDE ON OTHERS. Just like ninjas, they want all others to be fucking garbage bags like they are. What the fuck? Do it yourself and be a quiet shitty slut about it.
And what’s with the temporary conservativeness in Ramadhan about? You see girls going to coffee shops wearing the 3abaya** and/or 7jab and after Ramadhan they magically transform back to their original whore-like nature. Wow, thank you sluts for making Ramadhan easy for us! It seems that the only reason they dress conservatively for that period is to stop people from gossiping about them. HOW FUCKING RETARDED CAN YOU GET? If you already go to a coffee shop and smoke sheesha, people WILL talk about you regardless of what you’re wearing and when you’re wearing it! And for the record, I’ve noticed that most of the women that do this have a big ass.
Roughly translated, in this cartoon you see this biatch wearing revealing clothing but put on a Hijab or a headscarf on her head and saying:"I decided to put on a Hijab in Ramadhan" And the guy is saying "I am fasting oh God!" and as you can notice, the properly dressed lady is having a big "WTF" drawn on her head. Which brings me to this question "What the FUCK?"
Hypocrisy is the keyword here boys and girls (and so is irony). People are quick to judge others before looking at themselves. All they see in the mirror is “oooh is my make up right?” They should really be saying “am I doing this right?” People, please, take a measly few seconds to THINK about what you’re doing before you act. And for those women who are wearing the 7jab properly and dressing appropriately with it: we are very proud of you and you are setting a great example for our young muslim daughters. Keep it up!
Translation: The lady at work is saying:"To mark my appreciation to my fellow workers' feelings during Ramadhan, I decided to put on Hijab" and the guy says:"God bless you, you have met the objective" (being sarcastic of course!) another WTF here!
* pronounced Hejab
** pronounced Abaya
I am not against people who do not wear the 7jab. It’s none of my business to interfere in such matters. I am concerned about those who wear it inappropriately and JUDGE those who do not wear it. Do you have mirrors in your bedroom? I mean you must do coz you spend 17 hours a day painting your faces. But can you really see yourself? These women need a bitchslapping session, snoop doggy dog style! EITHER DO IT PROPERLY OR DON'T DO IT AT ALL! AND DON'T GO ABOUT IMPOSING YOUR SHITTY ATTITUDE ON OTHERS. Just like ninjas, they want all others to be fucking garbage bags like they are. What the fuck? Do it yourself and be a quiet shitty slut about it.
And what’s with the temporary conservativeness in Ramadhan about? You see girls going to coffee shops wearing the 3abaya** and/or 7jab and after Ramadhan they magically transform back to their original whore-like nature. Wow, thank you sluts for making Ramadhan easy for us! It seems that the only reason they dress conservatively for that period is to stop people from gossiping about them. HOW FUCKING RETARDED CAN YOU GET? If you already go to a coffee shop and smoke sheesha, people WILL talk about you regardless of what you’re wearing and when you’re wearing it! And for the record, I’ve noticed that most of the women that do this have a big ass.
Roughly translated, in this cartoon you see this biatch wearing revealing clothing but put on a Hijab or a headscarf on her head and saying:"I decided to put on a Hijab in Ramadhan" And the guy is saying "I am fasting oh God!" and as you can notice, the properly dressed lady is having a big "WTF" drawn on her head. Which brings me to this question "What the FUCK?"
Hypocrisy is the keyword here boys and girls (and so is irony). People are quick to judge others before looking at themselves. All they see in the mirror is “oooh is my make up right?” They should really be saying “am I doing this right?” People, please, take a measly few seconds to THINK about what you’re doing before you act. And for those women who are wearing the 7jab properly and dressing appropriately with it: we are very proud of you and you are setting a great example for our young muslim daughters. Keep it up!
Translation: The lady at work is saying:"To mark my appreciation to my fellow workers' feelings during Ramadhan, I decided to put on Hijab" and the guy says:"God bless you, you have met the objective" (being sarcastic of course!) another WTF here!
* pronounced Hejab
** pronounced Abaya
I agree with u about those that just wear it inthe holy month and forget about it after 30 day. ya tlbseena 3ala 6ool ya matlebseena khair shar make up ur mind shahar allah mob le3ba tara! i dont wear 7ijab cause i think im not ready, but i dont wear it in ramadan too cause who am i kidding and still i do get comments about that every year. al7een ili yisma3 ga3da amshee bedoon thyab fil shware3! at least my clothes are more MET7ASHMA than u girls out there that cover ur heads and go whoring around in the streets! SHAME ON U!
mo kel al mota7ajebat chethee o atmana ena mata'7thoon 3alaina kelena hal shay 3alashan cham bent etqaled al kuwaiti bitches ( 3ala golathum style kuwaity )
yala byeeeeeeee
true, hipocrisy is the keyword.
Mostly though, it's bout people who IMPOSE, if you wanna do something, by all means, do it, but do not impose others to do it. Be it good or bad. Everyone's free to choose, you can ADVISE them but not ORDER them to do something. In the end, God Almighty is the one who will decide to punish or forgive, not you.
Firstly, if you think you are getting points across by using vulgur language and being so damn judgemental: forget it. Your points hold no value the way they are put across... Secondly, who are you to generalise? Or judge others for that matter? You are no better than those you judge so harshly! I pity you and your narrow-minded brains. People should do what they feel like in Ramadan. If they feel like wearing an abaya, they should do it. Get a life and write about more important issues like how WAR is so wrong..
hey anonymous, if our vulgar isn't getting points across, then why do u think the rest of the commenters here r in agreement? ur the only one against what we're saying! and i think u misunderstood us too:
Also, We never said we're gonna shoot u if we saw u not wearing the hijab, hey ur free to do whatever u want. but WE are also free to say whatever we want about u and point out that what ur doing is WRONG.
allah swt is the judge
exactly, farasha!
well you 've the right to say what you think but why to attack the girls [bitches] each has the right to look whatever they like...
and don't ever use GOD as an excuse to attack ... each and everyone will stand before of him and God will decide who goes to heaven and who stays in hell...
Finally, who do you think you 're to judge people from the way they look ... bitches are NOT perfect neither you ARE!!!!!!
Your my hero I LOVE YOU!!! =D u the real deal!!
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