LiB @ Work #3: I DEMAND Work... NOW!
You prepare a resume and make a few printouts, and then you go on a job hunt. You go to every single prestigious establishment you know and after a few weeks of no replies, you start applying at medium companies and distribute that resume through email. Finally you get desperate and start applying at ANY company for ANY opening. But that’s not our subject today. See we all go through the painful process above, unless you were born with a silver spoon up your ass or you know someone who was then your ride would be much easier, and since you have a spoon up your ass then you’re used to and lubed up to take anything else entering there just to get things in life for next to nothing...
We will be talking about those who FORCEFULLY demand jobs that they are not entitled to or just think it is for them and them only and how people nowadays make it a politically rich material for their campaigning and lobbying...
Take for example a simple lady who graduated and started selling water in the streets in order to feed her kid and family. There are mixed feelings and opinions about why this lady did what she did in order to be able to support her family. I for one see nothing wrong with that except for the facts that surround this case and how others used it for their own benefit. Of course a lot of “activists” saw this as a golden opportunity to concentrate on politicizing the issue. Damn hippies pouncing on everything they see and twist shit for their own gains. Thus ruining any chances that might have existed to resolve those issues and making the case lose credibility almost instantly.
This lady, according to an interview with her, has a husband and an 18-month old child. Her husband makes BD 525 a month, which is not bad, I’m not saying that it’s perfect but for a small family they can very well manage. I mean bigger families live on a much less monthly income. Again am not saying that it’s ideal or that the lady shouldn’t do that. Everyone has the right to an income and if there is room for additional income “ethically” i.e. working part-time in a second job or doing some small business on the side AS LONG AS IT DOESN’T CLASH WITH THE PRIMARY JOB. The point here is the attitude that came with the lady’s demand and the hippies who promoted her.
Again, the lady was heavily portrayed in the media as some authorities saw this as a “begging on the streets” case and others highlighted her case either online or through papers etc...
Some companies actually sympathized with her and offered her jobs within their organizations. This must be good right? Only thing is, the idiot refused all that and DEMANDED that she is to be employed in a governmental ministry or entity and ONLY in the government, OR ELSE!
And here comes the shitty attitude. I know that government work is easy, laid back and secure for life. And that’s why many people want to work for the government. Other than security, underachievers always want to work for the government because they know there are NO real performance appraisal systems there and ratings are only to fill blank sheets of paper at the end of the year. I am not saying that no one in the government works hard. There are a lot who work hard but in the end, they all get the same ratings and so on...
Again, there is nothing wrong with this lady asking to work for the government, provided there are openings that match her qualifications. Refusing to work for any company other than the government, however, is plain wrong. I mean there is nothing wrong with starting with a private company and building up that resume. It’s very good to have any kind of experience and adding it to a resume which will be of good use in the future whilst applying for any vacancy that comes up within the desired sector or company. What’s wrong is DEMANDING that “I MUST be employed at that company and THAT COMPANY ONLY”.
Now there are other idiots who lose their jobs because they are very bad performers then they go out on the streets, protesting and DEMANDING that they be reinstated in their jobs immediately, OR ELSE! Take this moron for example...
Attention, ANYTHING for attention. I won’t go looking for a job, the job MUST come to me!
Yes, everyone has the right to a good standard of living, and that comes through fighting in life by getting a good education then progressing through the ranks and getting good jobs with good pay along the way… What sickens me though, is how some refuse to do anything to change their situations and sit on their asses all day and demanding for jobs without bothering to look. Or those who have no proper qualifications and asking to be hired as managers or getting salaries no less than BD 600 a month. There are graduates who work for much less but they work hard and try their best to prove themselves and then get rewarded accordingly... Get a life you idiots.
Again like we said before. People have become very demanding without the willingness to give back. And the hippies backing them up will fight for them with total disregard to others who will fight for themselves and strive hard to make a good living whilst others are sitting on their butts all day and demanding only...
Fuck this, where’s the KY? I’m late for a sit-in on a pole in front of the Ministry of Housing to DEMAND a house!