Sluts Rights Activists!
I was browsing through the newspaper the other day and I had the laugh of my life when I came across this bombshell of an article:
What kinda drugs has this slut been munching on?! Democratic country? Part of my freedom? What is this, Jerry fucking Springer?! This bitch has been fucked so hard she lost her fucking mind! Who the fuck gave this slut the idea that she can stand up in court (impressive that she could still stand after all that ass action), and teach the judge about what she can and cannot do in this country? What nerve! What's next, sluts rallying in exhibition road for the right to fuck in public places? Gay rights rallies?! Fuck that, over my dead body, not in my kingdom! Oh and respect to the boyfriend that actually convinced her that he’s gonna marry her. Yeah, right! You think someone would marry a slut like you? Not just a slut, but fucking PROUD of it! I bet she knew, and she was just using desperate excuses when she figured out that all that was coming out of her mouth was a mixture of semen and bullshit!
Kudos to the judge, man! Swift and fair justice, no fucking around, just threw her straight to jail for 3 months! And I commend the lady who wrote this article too. Check out the wording! “She was caught in a hot, intimate position with her boyfriend in a parking lot.” HAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA! Not only is she a slut she’s a fucking parking lot slut! I mean forget the fact that having sex before marriage is wrong, but what about the fact she was doing it in public? A fucking parking lot? You must be real desperate for cock, bitch. And respect to the defense attorney not trying pull off any hotshot lawyer tactics and sticking to the “she’s just a stupid kid” case. Did she actually think she could win the case? Maybe if you flashed your boobs to the judge… naaaaahhh.
I know there are a lot of guys out there who actually want this shit to happen. They want girls to be open (literally), and unfortunately there are girls who agree and provide this for them. Look at the west that you’re trying to imitate here: you get teenage pregnancy, bastard children and an increase in venereal diseases since kids have no fucking clue what safe sex is! There are good reasons why Allah banned sex before marriage, so why do you challenge His word? You think you don’t have freedoms because you can’t have sex before you’re married? Look at Palestine. Look at Iraq. Look at all these countries where people fight for food, water and liberty, facing death everyday. Consider yourself lucky for being able to walk down a street without getting shot, you ungrateful bitch!
Right, fuck it! I’m checking myself out for herpes!
“With confidence”… A college girl demands her “freedom” with her boyfriend!
A young Bahraini woman stood in court confidently admitting that she has an intimate relationship with her boyfriend and that she has had sex with him in a parking lot, excusing her actions by saying “What I have done is part of my freedom… We are in a democratic country and my boyfriend is going to marry me anyway.”
The judge did not like the gutsy young woman’s remarks so he scolded her saying, “Our country is Islamic before it is Arabic.” He sentenced her to three months in prison on the charges of public indecency.
It was one of the patrol cars that arrested the girl as she was in an intimate, hot position with her boyfriend in a car park.
Her defense attorney’s case was built around considering her university circumstances and her young age, but the court was having none of it as she has passed the age of 21 years, supporting its judgment on Bahrain being a kingdom that respects the rules and does not imitate the west. And she was sentenced to be imprisoned for three months according to rule 350 in the Laws of Criminal Punishment.
What kinda drugs has this slut been munching on?! Democratic country? Part of my freedom? What is this, Jerry fucking Springer?! This bitch has been fucked so hard she lost her fucking mind! Who the fuck gave this slut the idea that she can stand up in court (impressive that she could still stand after all that ass action), and teach the judge about what she can and cannot do in this country? What nerve! What's next, sluts rallying in exhibition road for the right to fuck in public places? Gay rights rallies?! Fuck that, over my dead body, not in my kingdom! Oh and respect to the boyfriend that actually convinced her that he’s gonna marry her. Yeah, right! You think someone would marry a slut like you? Not just a slut, but fucking PROUD of it! I bet she knew, and she was just using desperate excuses when she figured out that all that was coming out of her mouth was a mixture of semen and bullshit!
Kudos to the judge, man! Swift and fair justice, no fucking around, just threw her straight to jail for 3 months! And I commend the lady who wrote this article too. Check out the wording! “She was caught in a hot, intimate position with her boyfriend in a parking lot.” HAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA! Not only is she a slut she’s a fucking parking lot slut! I mean forget the fact that having sex before marriage is wrong, but what about the fact she was doing it in public? A fucking parking lot? You must be real desperate for cock, bitch. And respect to the defense attorney not trying pull off any hotshot lawyer tactics and sticking to the “she’s just a stupid kid” case. Did she actually think she could win the case? Maybe if you flashed your boobs to the judge… naaaaahhh.
I know there are a lot of guys out there who actually want this shit to happen. They want girls to be open (literally), and unfortunately there are girls who agree and provide this for them. Look at the west that you’re trying to imitate here: you get teenage pregnancy, bastard children and an increase in venereal diseases since kids have no fucking clue what safe sex is! There are good reasons why Allah banned sex before marriage, so why do you challenge His word? You think you don’t have freedoms because you can’t have sex before you’re married? Look at Palestine. Look at Iraq. Look at all these countries where people fight for food, water and liberty, facing death everyday. Consider yourself lucky for being able to walk down a street without getting shot, you ungrateful bitch!
Right, fuck it! I’m checking myself out for herpes!
Okay there was BIG misunderstanding here, one of our members went "berserk" and took Mahmood's comments a bit too personally and went mad, we do apologize for the misunderstanding although Mahmood went kind of hard on us telling us to stick to parking articles as if we can't write something else. Still we would like to apologize for what happened and I decided as a team leader to keep a new password to myself and all comments made by the LiB Team to be filtered through me. I agree that there should have been proper dialogue instead of a war of words amongst us bloggers. This is not what bloggers do, all of us are writing here cuz there is something frustrating us, we are angry about something but let's not take it out on each other. Once again, the LiB is about highlighting bad attitude and we don't want to become one ourselves, furthermore, the purpose of this article wasn't political or religious, we wanted to highlight the nerve of that girl to speak up like that, true we should have freedom, but everything has a limit.
Anyways what was done was done, and we can start all over again. Let's work together to make Bahrain a better place. Not go down to whoever damages our repuatation and be just like them.
LiB Team Leader
Hahahah lol
some funny shit here. This chick needs to be on jerry springer :D
I am in a democratic nation hahahaha I wanna smoke some of the stuff shes been on... Girl get off that wacky tabacky
What might her family and friends might be thinking now? lol
LIB team leader keep up the good work and yes to everyone out there lets make bahrain a better place to live!
Well, I prefer if girls would be more liberal than this because it's easier to bring them home or take them places so we can have sex with them.
Some times I feel guilty because I know im tricking them & they believe they are in a different world (one where their boyfriends them).
Then I think these girls are all betraying their families so it doesnt matter what I do with them since they are traitors anyway.
It's good being a guy ahahaha & i'm sure in a couple years, girls will be alot more liberal & wear much sexier stuff.
wait, you all attack me because I said I want gitls to have more freedom to make their own choice ?
SO WHAT if people like me are waiting for that, there is nothing wrong with girls like her consenting to sex.
What the hell do you think it's like in the US & Europe ? Girls can make all the choices they want & when they screw up, rather than let them go to waste, might as well get some.
Freaks, what exactly are you accusing me of ?
Every politician in history looks at what he can get out of every political issue. I'm no politician, but I analyse the same.
Girls are going to be freer to go to night clubs, stay out late, go out with men, who the fuck are you to stop them ?
It's their choice if they want to believe that the guy that picks them up at a nightclub is going to marry them (ahahahaha).
What you will have is a generation of girls who are torn between wanting feel Bahraini & wanting to feel "modern", that boils down to wanting to get married & wanting to go out with men at the sametime.
You call me a hypocrite, how many of these girls have you spent time with ? They all feel guilty that they are betraying their family & yet their loyalty to their families is countered by a 1 week relationship with me. THE FUCK IS THAT ???
Just like girls are free to pose for sexy photo shoots & go out drinking, they will be more free to come by my apartment.
Hopefully as time goes by they wount feel guilty just practicing their freedoms.
You want to give women freedoms but you dont want them to suffer consequences ? You think that guy she was with in the carpark is going to marry her ?
I know you have some strange laws that forces men to marry the women they have sex with. In other countries, they dont have that (I dont know about countries in this area).
You want women to be free to have sex outside marriage, but men will still face consequences should they get caught. Lib Team that's one more topic for you. Lift the consequences on men, instead of just on women.
If you people think this whole thing is a bit sick, then you need to shut the hell up. Women in your country are already very free compared to others. What freedoms are left to give other than the freedom to make their own sexual choices without interferance from friends or family ?
wow i didnt know we can stop them! this is a blog my friend, we don't write the laws, we write about our opinions of them and those who break or question them. The laws have been written by Allah. You my friend cannot argue with the holy Quran, can you?
So from what u said, if i go up to a woman and say would you like the freedom to be tricked by a man who says he'll marry u, she'll say "yes"? i dont think so, sex pest..
and about the girls that pose nude for photos and drink that will go tour appartment.. who the fuck r u? hugh hefner?? ur making urself out as a pimp but the only proof of that u have is, umm, ur desperate addiction to muff :)
also, as far as i know, the men who get caught DO get jailed too, dumbass. so they r judged also! this article had no mention of what happened to the guy and our comments weren't focused on her punishment, but rather the shitbrain remark she made in court coz she's a slut (yes having sex in a carpark makes u a slut).
this aint an issue of freedom boy. this is an issue of sluts trying to make it ok to be sluts. so stop missing the point, idiot.
oh and by the way, as i noticed u claim u can see into the future, can u see ur future career as an old-woman-servicing gigolo in guatamala?
hehe, luv the last comment!
Way to go people - you rock!
ill keep my reply short...
Anonymous... u want girls to be free and "libarate" ??
will think about it this way.. if you're chasing after some girls, some dude is chasing after ur sister!
if you want all girls to have the right to do what they want, how would you feel if your mama went to night clubs ?
u give us guys a bad name, u whore
What's wring with yo mums going to night clubs and pubs?
Who are you to curtail their freedom of movement & expression of speech.
Get your head checked fools! What'sthe difference between the thinking you exhibit here and the extremist islamists?
For all we know this whole blog might be another weak attempt by Bahraniat ( and her wefaq-loving creatures!
Grow Up!
Thought as much: shithead ;-)
That just proves you people are none other than the wefaq creatures. Don't worry, you will find your way soon just like Bahraniat did.
People think that being muslim automatically makes us extremists and terrorists. Think again. If you wanna screw slutty girls then good for you, are you that proud? Get a life.
Plus wefaq can kiss my ass for all I care, We do not belong to any political societies nor we want to. All we wanna do is highlight shitty attitudes, yours included so thanks for the likes of you that we have things to write about, dipshit.
You lib guys are funny. I like you.
Damn i'm posting so many comments I should get a cool name too, lets see Lib Team's Bestfriend.
You guys need to understand the bigger picture. You need to understand the difference between the following:
1. Bitches having no freedom to sleeparound. (similar to present day)
2. Bitches having the freedom to sleep around. (What both me & the bitches want)
Now the problem with point #1. is that you have bitches complaining. A woman complaining in a muslim country is the perfect mix to become an instant hero in the west (damn feminists have screwed the west).
Problem with #2 is that you'll get all the problems we have at home, teenage preggos, single families, diseases, bastard kids that get caught in the middle of all of this & a huge drain on medical & education, until the women become self sustaining.
So why the hell are we even talking about Option #2. ? Because you cannot stop it. No-one can. People like to fuk around. All you can do is raise kids that dont take part in free sex & not take part in it your self.
If you look at the bigger picture thats a bit of a lost cause, since for every responsible family, there will be 10 who fail.
If you think this through, you'll see that both of us hold the same view.
The only difference is that you guys highlight whackbitches for who they are, while I cant get enough of them.
Give the women freedom to make their own *mistakes*, that's the only sustainable model.
btw I have no sister & I dont even know about my mother. Any self respecting "mothers" & "sisters" wouldnt get themselves into these situations in the first place.
-Lib Team's Bestfriend.
I agree I agree I AGREE!!
But you see, we write about this shit coz like u said, there's nothing we can do to stop it. But it is an interesting topic to discuss and argue about (as I enjoyed our exchange of arguements for this post).
The most important point i agree with is the fact that it's up to ourselves to try and keep our sisters and daughters and the rest of the female members of our family in check with this issue. We wrote this article to let naive people know that this shit exists and that they need to be careful. Now is that so wrong my best friend? :)
You're right saying no self-respecting mother or sister would do such a thing. But there r women that do not know better. This is why we r here writing and arguing for a cause. We cant save em all, but maybe (just maybe) we might save some! That'll be an achievement on its own!
You r lucky u dont have sisters to worry about man. But u need to take responsibility for your actions. Tricking a girl who's naive is nothing to be proud of. Hearts get broken and people will feel betrayed, all for a few measely minutes of nookie. it may be worth it for u now. We hope that someday u will see the error of ur penis's way and will stop ruining girls' lives :)
I mean seriously whats wrong with this chick??
I just read this article and am flabbergasted at what nerves she has!
Her freedom?!! Democratic country??
Saudi on one side and and oman on the other bahrain is stuck in the persian gulf my dear not scandinavia!
Lol did she do some hasheesh or wat ;)
We live by allah's rules in bahrain although the oil wealth that is responsible for the enitre middle eastern(Read ARABIAN) economy was discovered by the brits and the use for it(IC engines) were also discovered by westerners and they form the biggest market for petrol and petro-chemical products but OH NO we follow the hadith and live by shariah and islamic rules!
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